Lime 2024 - 2025
Miss Wright
Welcome to Lime Class - Year 4
Where only our best is enough
Hello everyone and welcome to the Spring Term!
Please take note of some important information below.
Start and finish times: Doors open at 8.45 ready in time for registration at 8.55. The school day finishes at 3.30. Please remember to drop-off and collect your child from the junior entrance.
Attendance matters and everyday counts!
Please ensure your child arrives on time and is ready for the school day ahead. If you have a problem, please let me know as soon as possible.
Missing school means missing learning and learning builds from one day to another.
PE: PE day is Tuesday. Remember to come to school in the correct PE uniform.
Forest School: Lime Class will go to Forest School during the first Spring half term (w/c 07/01/25) and the second Summer half term (w/c 02/06/25).
Every week, on a Friday, homework will be given out in a homework book. Homework will consist of a Literacy/Grammar task and a Maths task and it is due in the following Wednesday. If there are any issues with completing this homework, please speak to a member of staff.
Please have your child go onto TT Rockstars daily to help their learning of their multiplication tables. Please read daily with your child and sign their reading diary to indicate you have read with them.
Reading remains a key priority. Please remind your child to bring their homework diary and reading book to school every day. We expect to see reading diaries signed at least four times each week. After your child has finished reading a book, they can complete a reading quiz to test their understanding of the text they have read. Completing these quizzes will help them to work towards earning certificates. Reading quizzes can be completed at home and in school, the link for Accelerated Reader is above.
The power of reading holds the key to success – it not only underpins everything we learn about but it also stimulates curiosity, intrigue, an active imagination and helps us to think critically and analytically so let’s work together to make your child be the best reader they can be! You can help by listening to your child read and by reading to your child (bedtime stories are a wonderful way). Don’t forget to sign your child’s reading diary too – extra credits are given for this.
Times Tables
Multiplication tables check
Schools must administer the multiplication tables check within the 2-week period from Monday 2 June 2025.
What are the advantages of your child learning their multiplication tables?
The key advantages include:
- Application in daily life.
- Integral to developing basic mathematical building blocks.
- Building confidence with more complex tasks.
- Gaining a conceptual understanding of multiplication and deeper thinking process.
- Improving problem-solving abilities.
- Developing key skills and 'number sense'
How can you help?
Regular practise on TTRockstars
Counting forwards and back wards in multiples
Random verbal times table questions e.g. what is 5 x 7?
Important information
Remember - No jewellery is allowed in school except for stud earrings and watches.
Long hair MUST tied up.
Please make sure your child has their own water bottle in school which is clearly labelled with their name.
Ensure all clothing is labelled.
Remember to bring a coat to school every day, we will play outside whatever the weather.
Our Class Representatives:
School Council Reps: Sammy F and Annie H
Eco Team Reps: Isla S and Jax D
Contact Information
Can I please remind you to double check with the office that your contact details are up-to-date. Newsletters are on the website and have lots of key information and dates for you. Please make sure you are checking these regularly.
Reward system
Credits are given to your children for their efforts, attitudes and behaviour. All merits earned go towards your child gaining their Bronze, Silver, Gold and Honours certificates, and finally the prestigious Badge (this is a special achievement, which is presented at the end of the year in our end of year assembly if enough merits are gained). Your child gets extra credits if it can be seen they are reading daily at home (by having their reading diary sugned) and by completing regualr times table practice on TT Rockstars.
Early Help Offer
Early help and early intervention are forms of support aimed at improving outcomes for children or preventing escalating need or risk. If for whatever reason you and your child are struggling and feel you need help, please do ask. School staff may be able to advise, offer support or signpost you to the people and agencies who can.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Higgins
Accelerated Reader
Files to Download
Lime: News items
Newsletter no. 19, Monday 10th February 2025, by Miss Crofts
Newsletter no. 18, Monday 3rd February 2025, by Miss Crofts