Yellow 2024 - 2025
Miss Whitworth
Welcome to Yellow Class - Year 3
Teacher - Miss Whitworth
Hello everyone and welcome to our class page.
Start and finish times: Doors open at 8.45 ready in time for registration at 8.55. The school day finishes at 3.30. Please remember to drop-off and collect your child from the junior entrance.
PE: PE day for this half term is Wednesday. Remember to come to school in the correct PE uniform.
Forest School will take place on Thursdays during our Spring 2 term so please remember your forest kit.
- Please read daily with your child and sign their reading diary to indicate you have read with them.
- It is very important for children to learn their tables - the link for TTRockStars is below.
- Children will have Maths and Literacy homework which will be set weekly on a Friday. This is to be returned to school the following Wednesday. A homework club will be running with myself to help parents and children wiith any difficulties with this homework. This will take place Monday evenings at 3:30-4:15 (Please note this club requires a parent to attend too).
Reading remains a key priority. Please remind your child to bring their homework diary and reading book to school every day. We expect to see reading diaries signed at least four times each week.
Accelerated Reader link -
Times Tables
Important information
Remember - No jewellery is allowed in school except for stud earrings and watches.
Long hair MUST tied up.
Please make sure your child has their own water bottle in school which is clearly labelled with their name.
Ensure all clothing is labelled.
Remember to bring a coat to school every day, we will play outside whatever the weather.
Our Class Representatives:
School Council Reps: Paisley and Luke
Green Team Reps: Louissa and Seb
Contact Information
Newsletters are on the website and have lots of key information and dates for you. Please make sure you are checking these regularly.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Thank you for your continued support.
Miss Whitworth
Accelerated Reader link -
Files to Download
Yellow: News items
Newsletter no. 22, Monday 10th March 2025, by Miss Crofts
Newsletter no. 21, Monday 3rd March 2025, by Miss Crofts