Nursery 2024 - 2025
Miss Gould
Welcome to our Nursery - Where only our best is enough
Class Teacher - Miss R Gould
Teaching Assistant - Mrs S Poulter
Forest school day - Wednesday
Library Day - Tuesday
Homework - Handed in on a Monday. Given out on Wednesday.
We play outside and do physical activites every day! Please ensure your child has appropriate footwear and clothing. Wellies and waterprooof should be labelled and these can be kept in school on your child's peg.
Tonacliffe nursery offers teacher-led nursery education for your child.
Our setting prepares children for school and supports a smooth transition into reception classes.
Learning takes place naturally through a careful balance of play and structured activities in a warm and welcoming atmosphere.
“In the Nursery and Reception classes, outstanding teamwork from teachers and teaching assistants coupled with accurate assessments of what children need to do to propel them to the next stages, result in rapid gains in learning” (Ofsted:2013).
In Early Years, it is through our play that we learn all we need to know. Early Years education is a vital part in your child’s development to ensure they are developing in a safe, secure and happy environment. Our children are given opportunities to investigate and explore a vast range of activities and experiences and are encouraged to develop their independency.
In Nursery we follow the Early Years curriculum which is split into seven areas of learning.
There are 3 prime areas of learning:
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Communication and Language
- Physical development
There are four specific areas of learning:
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the World
- Expressive Arts and Design
We teach these areas through structured play both in the classroom and outside areas supported by a balance of focused tasks with an adult. All areas are enhanced with activities relating to our topic and the children’s interests.
Are you eligible for 30 hours of free childcare?
We can only offer a limited number of 30 hour places, when these come available they will be offered to families already in our setting on a first come, first served, basis.
However, if you are only able to receive 15 hours per week within our nursery, did you know that you can use the other 15 hours at a different setting, including childminders and private nurseries? Some providers may even be able to offer transport for your child between our nursery and their setting.
If you would like to find out more or arrange a visit to see for yourself, please contact us.
Early help and early intervention are forms of support aimed at improving outcomes for children or preventing escalating need or risk. If for whatever reason you and your child are struggling and feel you need help, please do ask. School staff may be able to advise, offer support or signpost you to the people and agencies who ca
Files to Download
Nursery: News items
Newsletter no. 19, Monday 10th February 2025, by Miss Crofts
Newsletter no. 18, Monday 3rd February 2025, by Miss Crofts
Nursery: Gallery items
Chinese New Year Party, by Miss Gould
Our first few weeks back at nursery, by Miss Gould
Rainy day play 30.9.24, by Miss Gould