Online Safety

Online safety is an important part of keeping you safe at our school. We have lots of safety measures in place which we keep an eye on both in and outside of school, to help safeguard children.

Computers and mobile phones help us all to share things and talk to friends or family, but they can also make it easier for bullies and other people to hurt you or to get close to you. It is important to know how to keep yourself safe on your computer, your phone and on websites.

Our school will help if you are sent unkind messages or if someone on the internet has asked you to do anything that has made you feel uncomfortable.

If you are unhappy with any comments or photographs you've seen on your computer or mobile, you can tell a staff member in school or a trusted adult at home. 

In our school we teach you lots within our online safety lessons to help you. We hope you apply what you learn in these lessons in school and at home! 


If you're worried about anything you've seen online, talk to your parents or a teacher immediately. You can also click the CEOP button below to get immediate help:






Primary School

Tonacliffe Road, Whitworth,
Lancashire OL12 8SS

School Business Manager

01706 344609

through Working Together