Pupil Voice

In our school, we like to ensure we listen to our children's views. We carry out many interviews, questionnaires and discussions with the children to gather feedback from the children to ensure our curriculum and school meets their needs. 



KS2 Online Safety Questionnaire

In November 2023, the KS2 children were asked to complete an Online Safety Questionnaire. Here are some of the findings: 

What do you do online? 

Talk to others (including friends) - 95 children. 

Play games - 137 children. 

Use social media - 52 children. 

Homework - 113 children. 

Other - 52 children. 

Do you think we teach enough online safety in school? 

Yes - 77%

No - 23%

Do you like having the class book to record your responses in?

Yes because if you ever want to look back at something you can. 

Having the class book is good because everybody has a chance to write/stick into it and everyone can give their ideas. 

Yes because we can all write in it and then if we need any advice, we can go and look at it. 

Yes because I can give my answers and look back at them. I also like that I can share my feelings, see others and learn how the internet works. It is also intruging to see other's answers and add your own. We can also add our worries which helps and we discuss them to see what to do. 

Yes because I can discuss whether I have any worries online and if I do not know what to do online, if something bad happens, I can ask the teacher and she can give me an answer. 

Primary School

Tonacliffe Road, Whitworth,
Lancashire OL12 8SS

School Business Manager

01706 344609

through Working Together