Turquoise 2023 - 2024

Mrs Devine

Miss Griffiths

Welcome to Turquoise Class

Teachers : Miss Griffiths (Mon-Weds)

Mrs Devine (Thurs-Fri)

Where only our best is enough

Welcome back to our final term of the year!

The summer holidays are fast approaching and we are so sad that some of you will not be in our class next year. You have all worked so hard so far this year and we are incredibly proud of each and every one of you! We need to keep this up so that we can have the best end to a school year EVER! 


Looking ahead to next year, the Meet the Teacher information from 19.6.24 is available at the bottom of this page. Just double check that you are opening the correct version as this year's version is still available in case anyone needs it - check the date to get the correct information! 


A bit of bad news...

As you know, we emailed Jake Berry (our local MP,) during our work on Earth Day, to ask for his support in reducing plastic waster and also to help ensure Whitworth is a clean and safe place to live. He wrote to us (letter attached) offering to come into school to discuss this issue with us but because of the upcoming general election, he is not allowed to complete this visit. Hopefully, whoever is voted for on 4th July will come and visit us at some point! 

PE - Summer 2 2024

Tuesday and Friday

Our PE lessons this half term will be on Tuesday afternoon and Thursday morning. Please ensure that your child wears PE kit on these days - including suitable trainers. Earrings, or any other jewellery cannot be worn. Long hair must be tied up. 

Homework and spellings:

Each week, children will be given online homework. This homework is on top of the children learning spellings, accessing Times Tables Rockstars and reading. The online homework will usually consist of maths homework on Maths.co.uk and grammar homework on Spag.com. Homework will be set on a Friday and needs completing by the following Wednesday. 

Spellings will be sent home every week. The children will also have a spelling task sheet from which they can select a task that they feel helps them to learn their spellings. It is also important for the children to be learning the definitions of their spellings to support their understanding of reading and comprehension texts. There will no longer be weekly spelling tests however children must continue working on their spellings each week at home and will continue to do so every day in class. 

It is important that all children are learning their times tables up to 12 x 12. They need to be able to recall both multiplication and division facts as this is the basis of the year 5 and 6 maths curriculum. Learning these facts reduces the demands on the working memory and allows the children to focus more on the reasoning and problem solving element of the lesson. 

The key advantages include:

  • Application in daily life.
  • Integral to developing basic mathematical building blocks.
  • Building confidence with more complex tasks.
  • Gaining a conceptual understanding of multiplication and deeper thinking process.
  • Improving problem-solving abilities.
  • Developing key skills and 'number sense'

How can you help?

Regular practise on TTRockstars 



Reading remains a key priority. 

The power of reading holds the key to success – it not only underpins everything we learn about but it also stimulates curiosity, intrigue, an active imagination and helps us to think critically and analytically so let’s work together to make your child be the best reader they can be! You can help by listening to your child read and by reading to your child (bedtime stories are a wonderful way). Don’t forget to sign your child’s reading diary too – extra credits are given for this😊. Please aim for this to be done at least four times per week and ensure that your child is signing their reading record when they read independently too. 

Your child does not have to always read to you. They can read to themselves or others. However, it is important to listen to your child regularly and support their reading and comprehension at home.

At the bottom of this page you will find a helpful document to how you can support reading at home.

The children are also allowed to read books from home and complete reading quizzes on these too.

Reading Quote.jpg


Reward system

Credits are given to your children for their efforts, attitudes and behaviour. All credits earned go towards your child gaining their Bronze, Silver, Gold and Honours certificates, and finally the prestigious Badge (this is a special achievement, which is presented at the end of the year in our end of year assembly if enough merits are gained). Please remind your child to fill the credit book in so that the certificates can be given! 

Summer 1: What are we learning?


We begin the term with a focus on poety using figurative language before studying a traditional tale with a twist.  This will be based on the book 'Creeping Beauty' by Joseph Coelho. I wonder who can guess what famous fairy tale this might be based on?


As always, basic number facts underpin every principle taught. Please continue to practise these daily. 5 - 10 minutes each day makes a huge difference. 

Along with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, we will also be learning more about fractions, time and coordinates (translation and reflection). 

Science We will be investigating the properties of materials. This provides opportunity to carry out different investigations and experiments; we will develop many new skills in terms of how to conduct and record and scientific enquiry.
PE A summer term favourite  - rounders! 
Computing We will complete our unit on programming using Scratch before commencing our work on video editing. 
RE In our work about Islam, we will learn about what Hajj is and why it is important to Muslims.
History/Geography After completing our work on Mayan settlements in history, we will begin our local fieldwork in geography. This unit will focus on changes to the local area over time. 
Online safety This half term, we will learn how to manage online information. We know this is an area of concern for many parents so please do ask your children what they have learnt in school!
PSHE The focus of our PSHE teaching this half term will be keeping safe in different scenarios - in terms of physical safety but also in regards to emotional and mental wellbeing. On Earth Day we will be looking at the results from our Big Plastic Count too. If you haven't yet submitted these results, please do so. If you are struggling, recording them on a piece of paper and then bringing this into school would still be helpful.
Music Before we know it, the year 5 and 6 summer show will be upon us! Auditions will be held early in the term and then rehearsals will commence. 
Art/DT Our art unit on typography and maps is underway. Once this is complete, our DT work on structures will take place. Always an exciting unit, the children will have opportunity to use a selection of tools to build their structure once they have designed it. 
French Madame Mills will be basing her teaching around the theme of 'La fête de la musique' or 'the music festival'. 

Important information

Remember - No jewellery is allowed in school except for stud earrings and watches.

Children MUST have long hair tied up - this is both boys and girls and includes fringes over the face.

Please make sure your child has their own water bottle in school which is clearly labelled with their name.


Contact Information

Can we please remind you to double check with the office that your contact details are up-to-date. Newsletters are on the website and have lots of key information and dates for you. Please make sure you are checking these regularly. 

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.


Good attendance really does make a difference! 

Attendance matters and everyday counts!

Please ensure your child arrives on time and is ready for the school day ahead. If you have a problem, please let me know as soon as possible.

Missing school means missing learning and learning builds from one day to another.


Early Help

Early help and early intervention are forms of support aimed at improving outcomes for children or preventing escalating need or risk. If for whatever reason you and your child are struggling and feel you need help, please do ask. School staff may be able to advise, offer support or signpost you to the people and agencies who can help.


Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Griffiths and Mrs Devine


Accelerated reader - log in to complete your reading quizzes!

Free Audio Books for Children

Online thesaurus

Here is a video explaining how to use an online thesaurus as we know not everyone has a thesaurus at home. You know how much we love you to use ambitious vocabulary choices so this should be really helpful for you when doing your English work.


Meet the Teacher 


Thank you to everyone who attended Meet the Teacher evening in the autumn term. If you were unable to attend, please see the attached powerpoint for all of the information discussed.


Files to Download

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Turquoise: Calendar items

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Lancashire OL12 8SS

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01706 344609

through Working Together