Art and Design

Art and Design is taught throughout the school. Children have the opportunity to learn a variety of skills, work with a range of media and learn new techniques and skills. Our aim is to ensure that children are inspired, engaged and challenged.

Throughout the Foundation Stage, Key Stage One and Two, Art and Design plays a major role in the curriculum because this helps children to express themselves. Art and Design skills are taught discretely. Planned units of work may link with other curriculum areas when it enhances those subjects. 

There are opportunities for our children to develop a deeper knowledge and understanding of Art and Design by exploring various artists and designers and their influence on culture and history.

Displays of work can be viewed throughout the school giving children the opportunity to present their work and the skills they have learnt.

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Primary School

Tonacliffe Road, Whitworth,
Lancashire OL12 8SS

School Business Manager

01706 344609

through Working Together